The following post is from Blueprint Practitioner Seth Manti.

Did you ever have God put an awareness in your spirit that you couldn’t escape? For me, it showed up as a loud voice in my head yelling “change!"
I was given this hyper-awareness of the change in seasons and the value of reflecting on the shifts I have been going through both personally and professionally. I was prompted to leverage the change of seasons as a reminder to reflect on my experiences and relationships to capture key learnings and notice the blessings.
The concept is straightforward, but do we ever really take the time to get clear with our meaning and direction? I’ve spent so many years numb with career aspirations and the perceived expectations of others.
Within my Blueprint, God revealed a purpose of mine: to seek meaning in life and continue advancing my understanding of why I’m here as a means of helping others navigate life’s storms.
My Blueprint shined a light, as the Blueprint Process does, on the separation I experienced being hyper-focused on work and missing the blessings in my life. I managed my life and provided for my family but never took time for much else. I was asked once what I did for fun and my immediate answer was work; apparently, that wasn’t the answer they were looking for.
I certainly respect people who love their jobs but here’s the thing--work is only a portion of the value you are meant to share with the world. Personally, I want to be better at honoring the time I have been given and live more purposefully. I want to experience deep, impactful conversations and share stories of growth. I want to be in community and leave an enduring legacy.
So as seasons change, I now write down the powerful stories, lessons, and key relationships I experience. I also write down those things that don’t serve me well as they are likely counter to my Blueprint and need to go in the trash. I’ll leave this journal to my children so hopefully, they will see a life well-led or at the very least a commitment to finishing the race with the words “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21 New International Version)
Within my Blueprint coaching, I leverage my stories to guide and transform others. I walk behind layers of defenses to meet people where they are. I find common themes to show interconnectedness and guide people forward. I am comfortable in storms and stand in the gap with others so they can find their way forward and discover their own unique blueprint.
If you think we can be a good fit, I encourage you to reach out, and look forward to hearing from you.