This is a post from Blueprint Practitioner Emily Melchner.

It seems like self-doubt comes for us all. That feeling can be a gargantuan roadblock as we move through the world. It thwarts our best efforts to grow and keeps us small.
What do we do to remedy the effects of self-doubt?
The feelings of self-doubt and insecurity often stem from a place of conformity. As in, when we're worried about whether or not we're going to "fit in" or appear "normal," that angst arises.
Freedom comes when you learn and understand your unique design, which was divinely bestowed upon you. You are the only person who can shine in the exact way that you shine, and therefore you don't have to concern yourself with acting a certain way or being like everyone else. You bring value to a situation by being YOU.
The Blueprint Process can help you find this sense of peace and freedom. If you're interested in working with me to find your Blueprint, let's talk.