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Writer's pictureBlueprint Process Tammi Brannan

What's Purpose Anyway? September Webinar

If I had to define Purpose broadly, everyone's Purpose would be the same--to serve others. But when we dig deeper, the way in which we are meant to serve others is different for everyone. I'm NOT talking about what you do, because of course there's going to be overlap in careers, professions, and businesses. Really, I'm talking about who you are, and why it matters that you honor that person. Because when you honor who God made you to be--which He did on Purpose--you're already serving others.

Isn't that incredible? That just by being the person God made you to be, you're serving Him and you're serving others.

The problem is that when we spend time in the world, we can get confused about who we are and who we were made to be. Our perfect uniqueness can be overshadowed by opinions, societal structures, and so much more. It takes a lot of courage to even suggest that where you are or who you've been attempting to be are not in line with your true Purpose. And it takes even more courage to start determining what parts of your life are you--the "You" that you feel God made you to be--and what's not.

That's why having a partner can help. They take the ego out of it, and they're equipped to listen to you impartially and without bias, in order to reflect your Purpose back at you. That's the role of a Blueprint Practitioner.

So in our September chat, that's what we unpacking: all things Blueprint Process, and how a Blueprint Practitioner can help.


Zoom info:

Topic: Purpose Pursuer Webinar

Time: Every Month on the 4th Wednesday, 12:00 Pacific Time


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Meeting ID: 821 5720 4413

Passcode: 438516

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